Editing & Proofreading

No more mistakes nor awkwardly sounding sentences in your texts!

Spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes can easily worm their way through texts. Also, content, terminology, style and readability generally benefit from a second review. Because after all, “two heads are better than one”!

Rely on a professional translator to review and polish up your presentation, speech, website content, CEO letter etc. before opening it to public scrutiny.

Let's enhance the quality of your texts!

I only proofread and edit texts in my mother tongue, Italian. You can send me your Italian texts or translations. I will check them for:

  • spelling,
  • grammar, and
  • punctuation

mistakes, that is I will proofread them, or I will review their

  • content,
  • terminological correctness,
  • style and readability.

that is I will edit them.

Hint: working with a professional proofreader helps optimizing any of your business contents further. For flawless documents, I recommend my clients that editing and proofreading be performed by a second new set of professional eyes also on my translations. Of course, I only work together with other language professionals in a joined-up approach.